This page is associated with the Mississippi Public Broadcasting radio show Highway 61, hosted by Scott Barretta, and airing on MPB on Saturday at 10:00 p.m. and Sunday at 6:000 p.m. - you can listen live here . To find out more go to the show's Facebook page , where we'll be promoting this calendar regularly For a full listing of events in the Clarksdale area visit the Cat Head Music Calendar ; Memphis events are covered in detail in the Memphis Flyer ; the Jackson Free Press maintains a detailed calendar of events in the capital city; Oxford's Local Voic e covers music in northern Mississippi on a day-to-day basis. If you want to know what's happening in New Orleans visit the great radio station WWOZ's Livewire Music Calendar . See this website's page for regular venuse for more info. MAY 2019 May 28 - Mississippi Blues Trail marker dedication for folklorist William Ferris , 11am at the corner of Grove and Washington streets, Vicksburg . A rec...